Theme: In Pursuit of Trivia
March 22-24, 1985
Winning Team:
1. Gang of Four
Trivial Facts:
There weren't any 500 point questions this year because the 500 point question the previous year stumped every single team.
Prizes to the top five winning teams included food and merchandise from local St. Cloud area businesses.
Memorable Quote:
~ "This year I'm hoping to get more sleep," Tom Raich, question coordinator (Chronicle, March 19, 1985)
Questions from the 1985 Contest:
Question: What famous Irish poet headed the committee to choose the design of the Irish currency? (25 pt.)
Answer: W. B. Yeats
Question: What actor currently in the public eye hosted the first Disneyland TV special? (10 pt.)
Answer: Ronald Reagan
Question: What is the apartment of Bob and Emily Newhart on "The Bob Newhart Show"? (5 pt.)
Answer: 523
Question: Who is the first person Larry King ever interviewed as a talk show host? (25 pt.)
Answer: Bobby Darin
Question: What school won the Minnesota State High School baseball championship in 1952? (10 pt.)
Answer: Halsted
Question: One of the best known telephone pictures, "The Spirit of Service," has been symbolizing the rigors of telephone service for nearly a century. The picture depicts a lineman caught in a blizzard while patrolling the telephone lines in order to keep communication open. What is the name of the painting? (75 pt)
Answer: Angus MacDonald