Theme: Trivia Blizzard
February 3-5, 1989
Winning Teams:
1. Animal House
2. GDI
3. Sigma Phi Nothing
4. Ultraviolet Catastrophe
5. Panties Way Too Tight
Trivial Facts:
This marked the 10th anniversary of the contest.
- Team Animal House's win marked its first triumph in seven tries.
- A pre-game show aired on KVSC that talked about trivia history and featured Trivia Man.
- Team GDI pulled ahead on several occasions but could not retain its lead.
- UTVS broadcast live the first 49 hours of Trivia Weekend.
- Question writers Tom Raich and Gary Burt were in their 6th year of writing questions.
- Team Naughty Boys, Wimps and Tramps won an honorary award for the Most Accurate Team Name.
Memorable Quotes:
~ "The type of person to get involved is someone who is a pack rat with their books," Andy Valenty, KVSC program supervisor (Chronicle, February 3, 1989)
~ "It was kind of like a big slumber party," Brian Holicky, team Naughty Boys, Wimps and Tramps (Chronicle, February 7, 1989)
~ "At four o'clock in the morning, you really know who's dedicated," Eric Hurd, team Animal House (St. Cloud Times, February 6, 1989)
Questions from the 1989 Contest:
Question: James Bond defeated Operation Grand Slam in what movie? (5 pt.)
Answer: Goldfinger
Question: Where was the 1988 Minnesota State Barbeque Championship held? (30 pt.)
Answer: Willmar
Question: Name the man known as "Barber to the Presidents," he did Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and is said to now do President Bush's hair. (15 pt.)
Answer: Milton Pitts
Question: What was the first commerical radio station in the United States to win a Peabody award? (10 pt.)
Answer: WCCO
Question: Who is credited with writing the forward for the Bloom County book "Tales Too Ticklish To Tell"? (5 pt.)
Answer: Mikhail Gorbachev
Question: How many points is an "X" tile worth in Scrabble? (5 pt.)
Answer: 8