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100 Years of the Chronicle

Academics Broaden

Degree Course Is Being Favored by More Students – July 10, 1936

The Chronicle reported that St. Cloud State students favored the relatively new four-year degree program over the traditional two-year program. As education evolved in Minnesota public schools, the university had to adapt. To accommodate the changes, St. Cloud State began to offer four-year bachelor’s degree in 1928, master’s degrees in 1954, and then doctoral degrees in the 1990s as well as offering disciplines beyond teacher education.

Business education is a prime example of curriculum evolving at St. Cloud State. First offered as a single class in 1938, business education expanded to meet the needs of St. Cloud State students and society, especially in the 1960s.

Students use typewriters, 1960s

A new building followed to house the rapidly expanding business program (now a school today), accreditation in 1976, and the 2008 move to Centennial Hall with classes taught both in-person and online.

School of Business building,  March 1997