Theme: Trivia Olympics
April 6-8, 1984
Winning Teams:
1. Phil and the Blanks
2. Animal House
3. Sedan Delivery
Trivial Facts:
This marked the 5th anniversary of the content.
KVSC decided to hold a closing ceremony to give out prizes on Sunday evening in the Atwood Brickyard because teams wanted to meet each other.
The contest was staffed by about 40 people answering eight phones.
The contest showed signs of becoming well-established as KVSC and the top teams perfected their organization: KVSC had job decriptions and better delegation as well as more phones and volunteers. The winning teams figured out sleep schedules, borrowed reference books, and stocked up on food.
The number of participants was half of what it had been the year before, due in part to the introduction of a $5 registration fee.
The only time the contest was held in April.
The first contest to clock in at 50 hours.
Memorable Quotes:
~ "Trivia has gained nationwide popularity, and Trivia Weekend is growing with it," Chris Mitchell, KVSC student general manager (Chronicle, April 10, 1984)
~ "We haven't decided yet whether to continue the registration fee. It's a very controversial topic," Lisa McLeod, RHA president (Chronicle, April 10, 1984)
~ "One person called NASA to dispute our answer to a question. It's really unbelievable," Jami Erck, KVSC continuity director (Chronicle, April 10, 1984)
Questions from the 1984 Contest:
Question: Name the first band Rick Springfield played in. (15 pt.)
Answer: Zoot
Question: Name the steamboat that carried the first Minnesota Infantry Regiment to the Civil War in 1861? (25 pt.)
Answer: War Eagle
Question: In the movie "Star Trek III: The Wrath of Khan," what is the prefix code to the starship Reliant which orders the Reliant to drop her shields? (100 pt.)
Answer: 16309