Theme: Night of the Living Trivia
February 2-4, 2001
Winning Teams:
1. Animal House
2. Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women
3. Loose Meat Sandwiches
4. Voodoo Dolls
5. Cowboy Dale's A Rootin' & A Tootin'
Trivial Facts:
- Team Super Heroes in Training received the award for Ballsiest Challenge Acceptance for successfully kidnapping team Voodoo Dolls voodoo mascot.
- Team GDI, a long standing competitor, retired.
Memorable Quotes:
~ "We're getting too old for this," Brian Hurd, team Animal House (Chronicle, February 5, 2001)
~ "The secret to our success is we always go down to the bus stop and pick up whoever seems to be hanging around looking for something to do," Nicole Hamerlinck, team Cowboy Dale's A Rootin' and A Tootin' (St. Cloud Times, February 2, 2001)
~ "When in doubt always call in Rick Springfield," Nicole Hamerlinck, team Cowboy Dale's A Rootin' and A Tootin' (St. Cloud Times, February 2, 2001)
Questions from the 2001 Contest:
Question: When Michael Hart began Project Gutenberg in 1971, what was the name of the first document he typed in to the mainframe computer? (20 pt.)
Answer: Declaration of Independence
Question: Please give us the name of the song that was holding Billboard's number one spot on the pop charts the day MTV first hit the television airwaves. (40 pt.)
Answer: Jessie's Girl (Rick Springfield)
Question: What day of the week is the Sabbath for Muslims? (10 pt.)
Answer: Friday
Question: What was the original title for the 1943 Alfred Hitchcock movie "Shadow of a Doubt"? (75 pt.)
Answer: Uncle Charlie
Question: What is the team name given to St. Cloud Technical College's sports teams? (30 pt.)
Answer: Cyclones