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From Normal to University


St. Cloud State campus, September 1948

[Image 00009]

Flag 1: "B" Building was a surplus WWII barracks that opened in 1947. It was razed during the summer of 1971.

Flag 2: "A" Building was a surplus WWII building that opened in 1947. It was demolished sometime in the late 1960s.

Flag 3: Old Main's north addition was demolished in the summer of 1946 to make way for the construction of Stewart Hall. The rest of the building would be demolished in 1949 and 1950.

Flag 4: Stewart Hall construction began in the summer of 1946 and was built around the Old Main building. Named in honor of Warren Stewart, most of Stewart Hall opened in late 1948. 

"B" Building, 1967

[Image ID 11964]

"A" Building, 1954

[Image ID 08282]

Stewart Hall, 1960s

[Image 00356]